Jan 12, 2010

Blind woman learning to be a chef

Wow - what an amazing story! A young woman, Laura Martinez, is learning to become a chef at the prestigious Le Cordon Bleu culinary program at the Cooking and Hospitality Institute of Chicago. She has been blind since she was an infant, and has no memory of seeing. I thought her experience captured exactly what William tries to demonstrate: the way the food you are preparing communicates with you.

From the article:

The image of a blind person slicing meat is ripe for mockery, but Martinez made the act a delicate ballet of moving fingers and firm, precise cuts. She sees the meat with her hands, positions it just right for cutting, brings the strips around again so they can be cubed, constantly grasping and feeling around the edges to monitor her work.

"I had to learn to feel the food or to smell or listen to the sound it made in the pan," said Martinez, 25. "I can tell by feel whether meat is raw, medium or well done. You just learn through time."

Read about this fascinating and determined woman here.

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